
Art Fall 09 Ferrara contemporary exhibitions, performance events, live visual and sound events

October 2009 - January 2010

In its second edition, Art Fall presents the work of some of the protagonists of the young generation of Italian artists working in the field of visual and performing arts. A dozen artists who will take turns at the Pavilion of Contemporary Art and Museo Giovanni Boldini and who have taken up the invitation to bring their own modes of expression, imagery and experiences into play to create ad hoc projects within an institutional dimension, new to many of them. With this year’s programming, PAC in Ferrara once again presents itself as a place of experimentation and confrontation – a crossroads where the paths of artists on the threshold of maturity are intertwined, who are offered the opportunity to work in an open and close dialogue with other artists and with the curators of the program.

Art Fall 09 opens Saturday, Oct. 3, on the occasion of the fifth Day of the Contemporary promoted by AMACI, with the opening of Riccardo Benassi and Simone Tosca’s exhibitions (through Oct. 31, 2009) at the Pavilion of Contemporary Art. Riccardo Benassi presents Autostrada Verticale, an exhibition project that, by combining video, sound and sculpture, outlines an ascending architectural and sound path, created in collaboration with important exponents of utopian-functionalist architecture, such as Piero Frassinelli and Cristiano Toraldo di Francia of Superstudio, and theorists such as Ingo Niermann of The Great Pyramid. Simone Tosca, on the other hand, proposes E, F, G, and H, an exhibition in which the artist continues his own reflection on landscape painting, so to speak. In essence, Tosca, using the idealism-laden codes of abstract research-color, geometric volumes, and light components-invents a light device in the form of an installation that challenges all the traditional representational and perceptual conventions of landscape painting.

Saturday, November 7, Living Room – chamber performance, hosts three performance events in the spaces of PAC and the Boldini Museum. It begins with I dreamed of you, but you were not the protagonist, a site-specific creation by performer Muna Mussie in collaboration with video-maker Luca Mattei, where a material wall delineates the clear boundary between audience and action on stage. It continues with Gorgon II, performative environment of Orthographe, directed by Alessandro Panzavolta and with live sound intervention by Lorenzo Senni. Conceived specifically for the spaces of PAC, it is composed of three autonomous and independent works that are inspired by the Gorgon, a mythical creature whose sight no one supported on pain of death. Closing the evening is the performance, premiering in Italy, Barok (the origin), created for Sujets à Vif 2008/Festival d’Avignon: this is the first form of the show Barok, a collaborative artistic project between authors and performers conceived by dancer and performer Sonia Brunelli and musician Leila Gharib, who together form the duo BAROKTHEGREAT, in dialogue with director Simon Vincenzi.

Saturday, Nov. 14 opens the exhibition Fault by ZAPRUDER filmmakersgroup (through Nov. 29). For the occasion, Zapruder has created a “cinema on two floors” project with a double stereoscopic installation, a technique that gives images the quality of bas-relief. Beyond small pertuosities, the viewer will peer into the abyss that lurks in the everyday, witnessing the collapse of all certainty, in a slow but inexorable landslide of image and meaning.

Friday, December 4 will be followed by the presentation of Manifesto by Flavio de Marco and Pietro Babina. Si tratta di un lavoro aperto, che consiste nella realizzazione di un’immagine che viene modificata nel tempo da una serie di interventi autonomi fatti da ciascun artista. L’immagine, collocata in un luogo accessibile unicamente agli artisti, diventa visibile al pubblico soltanto come copia, sotto forma di un installazione e di un libro (fino al 13 dicembre 2009).

The last event of Art Fall 09 is for Saturday, Dec. 18, with exhibitions by. Moira Ricci and Cristian Chironi (through Jan. 10, 2010). Moira Ricci’s From Darkness to Darkness is a reconstruction of the disturbing stories that populated the artist’s childhood through photographs, videos, traces, newspaper clippings and more that constitute their imaginative documentation. Finally, Cristian Chironi presents. DK (a cataloguing acronym for the Diabolik comic series), a code that distinguishes the artist’s path of research into the theft of the aura of the Work of Art and the place of its preservation, the Museum, making them collide with the comic imagery of the Thief.

Edited by.

Maria Luisa Pacelli, Silvia Fanti, Daniele Gasparinetti and Andrea Lissoni


Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art and Xing

Art Fall is carried out as part of the initiative L’arte contemporanea va in città (Contemporary Art Goes to the City) which is part of the Italia Creativa project – support and promotion of young Italian creativity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department of Youth in collaboration with ANCI – National Association of Italian Municipalities and GAI – Association for the Circuit of Young Italian Artists, organized by the Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art and the Office of Young Artists of the City of Ferrara and Xing, with the contribution of the Culture, Sports and Youth Project Department of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the support of AMACI – Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums and the Municipal Theater of Ferrara

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